The Foundry
​Butley Mills Studios is the premier bronze casting collective for artists in East Anglia (and,
arguably, the UK). The foundry is at the centre of the studios and the bronze casters work
as a democratic collective. The collective specializes in Renaissance Italian ludo casting and
transfers experience and knowledge to younger artists. It also allows for experimentation
both in technique and artistic outcome. The Clock House Arts Association is renowned for
encouraging students and artists to visit, learn about bronze casting, do work experience or
set up residencies at Butley Mills Studios.

Bronze casting jobs are welcome at Butley Mills Studios. Being a true artist’s foundry, the
work is shared out and used for mentoring younger artists as well as keeping artist makers
in the studios full time. The bronze castors specialise in mould-making for waxes, bronze
casting one-off pieces and small editions using the lost wax and direct burn-out methods.
Italian ludo and ceramic shell casting technologies are used with silicon bronze. Projects
range from experimental to public sculpture standards.
Bronze tuition and courses are available at Butley, for amateurs as well as for more
practiced artists who need facility and ongoing reference and technical prompts to fulfil
their project needs.
The foundry is currently being modernised thanks to funding from the Scarfe Trust, the
Ganzoni Charitable Trust and the Suffolk Climate Action Community Match Fund. The new
Ceramics Kiln is funded by The Lord Belstead Charitable Settlement.